Monday, February 25, 2008

XNA is developing game for Microsoft Zune!!~

Some great news for Zune owners looking for mobile entertainment. Let's get right to the heart of the matter:

Who? Microsoft made an official announcement, no rumors or speculation.

What? XNA support for Zune along with XBOX and PC. XNA is a game development toolkit available to "do it yourself" enthusiasts for about $99 / year. You don't need to create your own games, simply take advantage of XNA games created by the user base.

When? The announcement came Feb. 20th 2008 but the exact timeline for availability is yet to be determined. The Zune team made statements in 2007 indicating gaming would be available in 2008. This is the first acknowledgment of XNA support however.

Which? The games will be available for all Zune models including the Zune 30. Touch sensitive features will be limited to the newer squircle endowed Zunes only.

How? The games will probably be available for in the Zune marketplace software for download rather than physical retail locations.

Why? The Zune brand was launched as a mobile entertainment platform rather than a strictly audio platform and will continue to evolve and expand.

Read these also:
Comfirmed: Zune gaming being considered by Microsoft
XNA games coming to the Zune, Xbox Live Arcade

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