Monday, December 3, 2007


Just got my very 1st iPod from ahseng84 @ LYN, actually not buy, just trade to him with my Funtwist 366 MP4, but it still my 1st iPod, just 'broken' iPod. You can see the picture, a black dent on the bottom right of LCD, and the click-wheel is not functioning too.
TJ's broken1st iPod on sync@W850i

Here is the side-by-side comparison with my lovely Creative Zen Vision M, the lovely ZVM seem way too thick, and the iPod is just 2/3 of t
he ZVM. I think my ZVM is the 2/3 of Zune.
When thick meets slim@W850i

I am wondering what is inside a iPod 5th Gen, just looking on the pictures from internet isnt shock enough, so I open up it and explored inside. A Toshiba MK3008GAL hard drive detected, and some chips inside. Unfortunately, I broke the battery ribbon when my 3rd time disassembly, now the the screen just keep showing 'Please Wait, Battery Very Low', and it take a century to charge, mean wont charge and wont startup anymore. Damn it, have to wait the replacement battery reach my door step, no order the click wheel because it kinda expensive, USD19.90, even the battery just cost me USD 9.90. Ok, stop the boring words here, let see some picture.
An iPod 5th Gen had been found dead on TJ's desk@W850i

Here is the looks spoil click wheel, I suspect this iPod had badly damage, maybe the previous owner not taking care of it, the surface look like been roll over by sumthing, car? bike? I dont know and dont want to know.
iPod and it 'shirt'@W850i
Sticky click wheel@W850i

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