Sunday, October 14, 2007

Something you can try it out!!~

Just now I am browsing my favorite forum - and read a article about some interesting trick, now I am going to share it out. Its some Microsoft glitch.

Glitch #1
Try to create a new folder on anywhere in your computer and name it as 'CON' (without the quotes), then press enter you should saw something unbelievable.

Glitch #2
Open notepad and type in 'Bush hid the facts' (without the quotes), save it as any file name and wherever you want. Close it and reopen it. Tada! Whats that actually?

Glitch #3
Open Microsoft Word and type '=rand(200, 99)' (without the quotes), press enter and see the magic.

P/S: I pay RM50 for EACH folder had success name as 'CON'.


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